Screenshots From the Fantastic Hitman Go ‘Board’ Game for iOS

I LOST A FEW HOURS of sleep again over the last two nights, this time due to Hitman GO, a spartan yet somehow lavish board game for iPhone and iPad. That’s right, a board game.

Hitman GO is a surprising feat of playful ingenuity — especially so because it spawned from the stealthy action adventure series of Hitman video games featuring Agent 47.

Check out my full review at TechNewsWorld or enjoy a few screenshots and the official video trailer below:

About the author

Chris Maxcer

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I've been writing about the tech industry since the birth of the email newsletter, and I still remember the clacking Mac keyboards from high school -- Apple's seed-planting strategy at work. I'm a big fan of elegant gear and great tech, but there's something to be said for turning it all off -- or most of it -- to go outside. Online I like to call out cool stuff on Wicked Cool Bite and blog with my buddies at Man Makes Fire. To catch me, take a "firstnamelastname" guess at the url of this site.